About us

412-482-4863 ankurarora.nsit@gmail.com www.linkedin.com/in/arora-ankur | www.arora-ankur.com |www.leetcode.com/aarora124

Multifaceted hands-on Product Leader with 10+ years’ experience in product management and engineering roles in SaaS and analytics domain. Co-founded two seed-funded marketplace startups, building and scaling products from soup to nuts; Currently leading a Product team at HMHS, interested in Product opportunities.


University of Pittsburgh, Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business, Pittsburgh, PA

MBA, Finance & Product Mgmt                                                                                                                                                                           GPA: 3.9, GMAT:710 April 2019

Beta Gamma Sigma honors and Outstanding Student awardee. Advisor for first Business Analytics competition as a proud Alumnus

Bachelor of Engineering, N.S.I.TUNIVERSITY OF DELHI, India GPA: 3.7, Rank 30/120,000 May 2009


Highmark Health Solutions (HMHS), USA May 2018 – Present

Product Owner

Provided leadership for Products serving 1 million people on Highmark’s enterprise platform enabling continuous advancement.

 Conceptualized and validated Persona based user-experience, revamped Meetmydoctor application, organized A/B testing on sign-up and welcome experience, increasing sign-ups by 40%, funnel completion rate by 20%, and conversion rate by 10%.

 Empathized with customers and users to generate healthcare roadmap and solutions focusing on pain points, managing backlog, conceiving & prioritizing features, epics, and user stories, coordinating with engineering to launch, valuing $15 million.

 Co-created PRD, user stories, wireframes, and API design for Amwell and Doctorondemand integration in Highmark website for tele-health services. Worked with growth team on streamlining the on-boarding experience, with 25K+ users in the first 3 months. 

Product Manager

Identifying market opportunities, carrying user research and competitive analysis, Pioneered an anchor medical product with $58 million potential revenue, currently under FDA, class 1, and HIPAA approval assessment.

 Spearhead development of secured voice based medical dispenser, with a mobile app, focused on opioid patient pain points, with re-iterative feedback and rapid prototyping, warranting onboarding of key stakeholders, legal and regulation team.

 Implemented, first in the segment, medicine in-app purchase (IAP) and real-time feedback, with expected MAU of 50 K users.

 Utilized Google Cloud for data stream and ETL, 3D printing, for rapid prototyping and 30% faster re-iteration loop. Product’s proprietary machine learning (ML) technology helps user’s identity health risks and pursue the care they need. 


In a true Organizational role, worked on multiple products that gave me broad exposure to Highmark and its partners.

 Presided over qualitative & quantitative study and demonstrated strong value proposition, competitive advantage, and ultimately customer adoption, aiding AHN brand repositioning from being affordable to being value provider, leading to 5% rise in patients.

 Instituted Alpha (Trusted Tester) product testing program, enrolled 16 product teams and launched 100+ Alpha features, with a regular and predictable cadence, drawing in 15% higher customer engagement over the previous version.

 Drive in-person user discovery sessions to evaluate customer workflows, gathering requirements and conceptualizing solutions. 

Product Intern:

Empathizing with Product teams pain points, introduced new applications and established processes, becoming most liked intern.

 Prioritizing pain points, conducted user flow research and validation, launched a dynamic app with APIs interface with Trello, for effort estimate, shortening meeting’s time by 10%.

 Drove the adoption of Scrum framework to solutioning processes, ensuring minimum disruption to the team and clients.

 Oversaw the design and development of over 15 conversion funnel A/B tests while simultaneously managing optimization.  

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), India                                                                                                                                                                              July 2009 – July 2017

Sr. Product Manager

Created comprehensive product vision and strategy, led the development of 2 new product offerings and 30+ features upgrade from soup to nuts in analytics domain of Enterprise software, working alongside engineering, finance, pricing, market intelligence teams.

 Spearheaded Mobile Platform dev and launch for operational dashboards, with 10M+ users, 20% lower incidents in 1st year.

 Launched single marketplace for material sourcing for enterprise customers, providing competitive analytics, price elasticity-based costing models for major Bought Out Items (BOIs), lowering customer’s cost by 12% and ordering time by 30%.

 Reduced customer churn by 10% through user-oriented feature updates, clear documentation, and face-to-face outreach.

 Forged a Subject Matter Expert (SME) program at client’s end, slating wider adoption, quicker response, and greater insights.

 Technical Program Manager

Translated business goals to technical solutions through design thinking, customer engagement and strategic planning. Delineated success metrics and features prioritization, and orchestrated deliverables with Engineering, Product, Business teams.

 Launched BHEL’s first partnered product, building consensus, and aligning roadmaps, realizing added $3M+ sales and $100K MRR.

 Steered a realignment initiative for partner’s APIs, building Standards and ensuring consistency, reducing integration time by 15%

 Orchestrated transition from monolithic product to modular products, bolstering data security and Ops mgmt. time down by 20%.

 Crafted an effective data strategy, rolled out an industry-first Geofencing Solution, ETL processes, and shared mapping of data fields for system security, data analytics, dashboarding, and reporting.

 Project Manager

Responsible for P&L, scope, and full project management duties for strategic projects. With a close partnership with engineering, vendor, legal and management, achieved merger benefits, improved customer engagement and operational efficiency.

 Spearheaded engineering teams’ transition to agile framework, by ground-up restructuring, including setting new focus metrics, redesigned processes, new tools implementation, hiring and training in five month time frame.

 Led the successful integration of $500 M acquisition in 8 months, coordinating and implementing merger strategy with PwC team.

 Leveraged data to launch a company-wide initiative to improve customer engagement, prompting 10 points CSAT improvement.

 Software Engineer

Coded software applications for clients. Using reliability matrices, redone 5 modules, loosely coupling them in software.

 Copyrighted battery sizing process for business applications, enhancing reliability, consistency & accuracy by 30%

 Implemented feature monetization by developing in-software payment gateway, activating 15% additional revenue per year.

 Reduced churn by 5% through continuous improvements, succinct and clear documentation, and face-to-face outreach.


Co-Founder, Playyoursport

Playyoursport – one stop sports solution for finding sports partners, playgrounds, and coaches across a network of 50+ top facilities.

 Unrolled investors pitch for seed capital firms, projecting market size and earnings, and building growth strategy and tie-ups.

 Co-pilot creation and launch of mobile app, optimizing onboarding funnel for players and coaches, with the parameterized recommendation system. Initiated in-game feeds, service plans and app checkout, leading to a 20% increase in sessions/day.

 Co-Founder, Lovnlike                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               2015-2016

Co-founded Lovnlike, an online platform for validating ads likability, with the vision of enabling ad viewing a fun experience.

 Established value proposition, business plan and GTM strategies to align with strategic consumer base (Peak 60K impressions per day), with a focus on client relationship and product strength to catalyze product adoption rate and client success.

 With 60% DAU/MAU, 15+ min Avg session length, contracted $200 K+ Annual Recurring Revenue, serving 6K+ Ads/month.

 Defined, drove, and analyzed A/B tests for watch time conversion and view-through rate on the web for better ROI for customers.

 Using Mixpanel and Google Analytics, specified analytics requirements for performance monitoring & reporting to 100+ clients.

 COE Distributing, Lead Consultant

Transformed centralized network for COE Distributing, a major office furniture company, to de-centralized network

· Ushered extensive qualitative and data-driven market research along with 10+ interviews with market leaders such as Amazon, Wayfair, Walmart, 3M and GE to identify key parameters for quicker delivery and faster returns.

· Conceptualized and officiated a comprehensive strategy and implementation plan with a revenue potential of $10M per year.


 Won 1st Prize @Google Hackathon for prototyping cloud-based medicine dispenser, with funds allocated for its delivery.

 Got HMHS CEO recognition and 98.7% user acceptance for leading the transition to Oracle ERP, for 100k+ user migration.

 1 in 10 “Achievers” awardee from 49,000 employees for driving change and feedback, converting 100 detractors to promoters.

 3 RCA and 3 Impress awards @BHEL, for initiating and implementing Route Cause Analysis (RCA) projects worth $ 5 million.


Product Skills:

Design Thinking

Go-To-Market Strategy

New Product Introduction

Competitive Intelligence

Cross-Functional Team Leadership

Product Lifecycle Management

Stakeholder Management

Hypothesis validation

Technical Leadership

Vision, Roadmap, Backlog

Data Insights & Analysis

A/B testing


Professional Scrum Product Owner (PSPO)

Project Management Professional (PMI)

Digital Product Management Certification (Darden)

Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) L3

AWS Solution Architect

Six Sigma Black Belt(ASQ)

Data Analytics: SQL, Python, VB Macro, Tableau, PowerBI, Bloomberg Terminal, Financial modelling, Risk analytic, Data Pipeline, ETL

Tools/ Tech.: Amazon/ Google cloud architecture, REST, Oracle ERP, Postman, Jira, Kafka, Hive, ELK, RPA-Blue Prism, SPARK

Product Tools: Design Tools(InVision, Balsamiq), Roadmap(Aha, Asana), Analytics (Google Analytics, Mixpanel), Web(HTML, XML)

Multifaceted hands-on Product Leader with 10+ years’ experience in product management and engineering roles in SaaS and analytics domain. Co-founded two seed-funded marketplace startups, building and scaling products from soup to nuts; Currently leading a Product team at HMHS, interested in Product opportunities.